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What is Clean Eating? Meal Plan, Food List and More

What is Clean Eating? Meal Plan, Food List and More

First off - we’d like to say we’re proud of you for making the effort to make a change in your lifestyle! Other than exercising, clean eating is one of the ways to live a healthy lifestyle. Whether you are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy body, this guide will help you to gain a better understanding of what clean eating is all about!


What is clean eating?


The term ‘clean eating’ has been used over the past few years among those who are looking to lose weight or simply start living a healthy lifestyle. However, not many are aware of the meaning of ‘clean eating’.

Clean eating means foods that are unprocessed and unrefined, alongside foods that are free from artificial ingredients such as additives or preservatives. In simpler terms, clean eating involves foods that are natural and whole.

Certain people who are on a clean eating meal plan will also avoid foods that are treated with antibiotics, hormones, or pesticides. Besides that, some may avoid eating foods that come in jars or boxes.


Health benefits of clean eating


Health benefits of clean eating

There are numerous health benefits of clean eating. Other than better general health, below are some of the common ones:


1. Boost one’s mood

Following a clean eating meal plan has shown huge benefits in preventing depression and anxiety compared to those who follow a high glycemic diet (which is a diet that is high in carbohydrates).

For instance, a clean eating diet will consist of nutrients such as vitamin B-6 which increases the production of dopamine - a happy hormone that produces positive feelings in our body.


2. Aids in weight loss

Clean eating diets usually contain foods that are rich in nutrients such as fruits and vegetables. These types of foods are generally lower in calories, meaning you’ll have better control of your daily calorie intake to lose weight even if you eat them in a huge amount.


3. Provides more energy

Those who maintain a healthy, clean diet will feel more productive and energised throughout the day. For instance, iron and vitamin B provide fuel to our body cells by enabling them to function well.


4. Save cost on groceries

A typical clean eating grocery list would cost much less than those who have processed foods on their list. Since a clean eating food list would consist of mostly vegetables and lean meat, they aren’t expensive in most grocery stores.


5. Promotes better sleep

Those who have trouble sleeping generally follow a diet that is high in sodium and low in carbohydrates. Clean eating meal plans don’t involve processed foods that are known to be high in sodium and have a sufficient amount of carbohydrate intake.


6. Reduce the risk of cancer

Processed foods have been linked to cancer. With a clean eating diet, you won’t be consuming any processed foods or foods that are high in sodium. A clean eating meal plan consists mostly of vegetables and fruits which can boost antioxidants, preventing the growth of cancer.


How can clean eating help with your weight loss plan


How can clean eating help with your weight loss plan?


Following a clean eating meal plan is great for weight loss because eliminating highly processed foods will help to change up your hormones from storing fat to burning fat instead. In other words, it’ll boost your metabolism, enabling you to lose weight faster.

Other than that, clean eating will have a sufficient amount of healthy fats and protein. This helps to maintain insulin levels, enabling one to keep the weight off in the long run.

However, don’t get confused as some people think they can eat a lot since it’s ‘clean eating’ and still lose weight. The key is that even if you’re eating clean, if you go over your daily calorie intake limit, then you will not be in a calorie deficit. Thus, preventing weight loss altogether.


Clean eating grocery list guide


A clean eating plan for weight loss usually contains the following food items. However, do bear in mind it depends on the individual as well as their own taste preference.


1. Whole Grains

What the Research says:

Including whole grains in your diet can help in promoting weight loss and preventing weight gain. Swapping out your refined carbohydrates such as white rice, white bread for nutrient-dense whole grains may help in decreasing body fat, as their high fibre content assists in increasing satiety (the feeling of fullness) and does not lead to blood sugar spikes that refined grains can cause.

Examples of whole grains: Brown Rice, Quinoa, Couscous, Whole Meal Pasta, Millet

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2. The Rainbow Diet (Colourful Fruits & Vegetables)

What the Research says:

Eating the rainbow involves eating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables as they are low in calories and rich in essential nutrients such as Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Vitamin A, fibre and folate, to name a few. With all of these nutrients and minerals combined, it’ll help to reduce the risk of metabolic diseases as well as aid in weight loss by keeping you full and satiated for longer.

Examples of colourful vegetables: Broccoli, Cauliflower, Eggplant, Tomatoes, French Beans, Sweet Potato, Carrot, Spinach, Capsicum, Corn

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3. Antioxidant-Rich Foods

What the Research says:

Besides reducing the risk of heart diseases and oxidative stress, consuming a diet rich in antioxidants also proves effective in regulating the way our body uses energy, which in turn helps reduce body fat and control our weight.

Examples of antioxidant-rich foods: Olive Oil, Pomegranate, Purple Cabbage, Beans, Spinach

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4. Low-Fat or Alternative Dairy

What the Research says:

A rich source of calcium and Vitamin D, including low-fat dairy or alternative milks such as soy milk, coconut milk, or almond milk in your diet can also help in boosting weight loss and fat-burning properties as the high protein content helps induce satiety so you feel full for longer. They are generally low in calories too so will be beneficial in accelerating fat loss.

Examples of low-fat or alternative dairy: Greek Yoghurt, Soy Milk, Coconut Milk

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5. Lean Meat and Alternative Proteins

What the Research says:

Eaten in reasonable quantities, lean meat packed with their satiating, muscle-building proteins while still being low in calorie can help boost your metabolism and also help build lean muscles instead of body fat. Swap out your red meats or chicken thigh with lean cuts of meat including chicken breast or white-fleshed fish to hit your protein goals for the week!

Examples of lean meat and alternative proteins: Skinless Chicken Breast, Sea Bass, Barramundi, Tofu, Chickpeas, Edamame, Tempeh

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6. Good Fats

What the Research says:

Including some healthy fats such as oily fish, olive oil, nuts and seeds in your diet will do wonders in helping you lose body fat as the high amount of healthy fatty acids and other essential nutrients in these foods work to reduce stress and inflammation levels in the body. Also, the Omega-3 fatty acids in salmon help reduce the risk of metabolic disease and obesity.

Examples of good fats: Salmon, Prawns, Olive Oil, Nuts and Seeds

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We hope this clean eating guide helps you! If you’re planning on going on a clean eating diet, you may consider our Eat Clean Meal Plan where you can get a meal plan that offers a balance of delicious and healthy whole grains and lean protein.


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