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Fasting tips for Ramadhan

Fasting tips for Ramadhan

Ramadan is a holy month for Muslims around the world, marked by fasting from sunrise to sunset. This is seen as a time of spiritual reflection, self-discipline, and gratitude. While fasting during Ramadan can be a challenging experience, it is also an opportunity to reflect on our eating habits and make positive changes towards a healthier lifestyle.

Eating healthy during Ramadan is important for maintaining energy levels, staying hydrated, and avoiding health problems. Here are some tips for eating healthy during this holy month:

1) Start your day with a nutritious meal high in protein
It is essential to have a nutritious meal before starting your fast. A balanced meal should include protein, complex carbohydrates, and healthy fats. Some examples include eggs, whole-grain bread, fruits, and vegetables. High Protein meals are great for helping you to feel full for longer periods, this will provide you with sustained energy throughout the day and help prevent cravings.

2) Hydrate throughout the night
It is crucial to stay hydrated during Ramadan, especially during the hot summer months. Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks (soft drinks, bubble tea) and caffeinated beverages (coffee, green tea), which can dehydrate you. You can also eat foods with high water content, such as watermelon, cucumber, and tomatoes.


3) Break your fast with dates and water
Breaking your fast with dates and water is a tradition in many Muslim cultures. Dates are a good source of energy and nutrients, while water helps to rehydrate your body. After breaking your fast, aim to have a balanced meal that includes protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to ensure that you get all the right nutrients your body needs to refuel after a long day.


4) Avoid processed and fried foods
During Ramadan, it can be tempting to indulge in fried and processed foods, but these can be unhealthy can lead to bloating + digestive problems. Instead, opt for whole foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein. These foods are nutrient-dense and will help you feel full for longer.


5) Eat in moderation
It is essential to eat in moderation during Ramadan. Overeating can lead to digestive problems, weight gain, and low energy levels; this is the main reason that causes you to feel sluggish after a meal which would be counterproductive during Ramadhan. Eat slowly and mindfully, paying attention to your body's signals of hunger and fullness.

In conclusion, being mindful of what you eat during Ramadan is crucial for maintaining energy levels, staying hydrated, and avoiding health problems. By following these tips, you can make positive changes towards a healthier lifestyle while also observing the holy month of Ramadan.

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Our meals are easily stored in the fridge (5 days) or freezer (3 months), and can be easily reheated in the microwave for 3 minutes.

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